An Exclusive Interview With the Current President of LSS, AAUA.


Interviewer: First and foremost, we need to acknowledge the significant development you've contributed to Lss.

Adejute Oluwatominisin: thank you very much

Interviewer: Just this week a few details were released concerning the upcoming law dinner the venue among other things that were put into place. How were you able to pull that off?

Adejute Oluwatominsin: Thank you very much. The first thing I would say, is thank God for everything I would say, I was able to pull this off through the help of my executives, I can say I have the best executives. They do not just function on their own, they move, the extra mile. In fact, some certain things that aren’t exactly their function for example, the sports director mobilizing the use of projectors for movie night or the AGS moving generators for use by the students. I would say I owe it largely to the efforts of my executives, since the inception of this semester. 

     In respect to the venue and etc. my executives played a huge role in securing that.

Interviewer : Did you envision the approach of projects before your inception as president?

Adejute Oluwatominsin: like I said, there is this Bible verse, which says “when the foundation is destroyed, what can the righteous do?.” I will take it as I have a very strong foundation; my executives.

       About the project, I can say, even in my manifesto, everything I promised lssites was consolidation that is consolidate on every idea brought by the executives. The major project I think I promised are the secretariat, Lss sweatshirt, among others which have been executed. All other miscellaneous project you see are ideas brought by my executives. As the president I don’t take only my personal opinions and listen to them and if it’s something we can bring to life then we’ll do that. 

     Most of this project were not anything I foresaw, they mostly came along by relating with students, listening to their struggles and working hand in hand with my executives. The main reason the solar project came to limelight is because we noticed incessant decrease in night class activities by the students reason being the lack of electricity and light. Now you do not have to bring torches or phones to read in night classes.


Interviewer: What would you say is the biggest project you’ve done this semester?, and are there o the projects you have in place?

Adejute Oluwatominsin: All projects we’ve been doing are quite substantial projects, these are developments happening in LSS for the first time, that on its own is big. The one I would say, as a biggest would probably be the installation of the solar lights, our intention is to install them in every classes. We’ve only been able to install them in two classes, due to lack of funds. Which is why I want to use this opportunity to implore LSSITEs to pay up their necessary dues, we cannot do this without your support.

As for subsequent projects, we are planning to have three streets lights along the walkway of the lecture theatre, and also two at the faculty. We want everywhere lit as much as possible so we can stand out as the faculty of law, this would also encourage people to come out more for night classes. 

Interviewer : How were you able to source out the funds for these projects? 

Adejute Oluwatominsin: As I’ve mentioned earlier, the turn out of payment of dues hasn’t been great, apart from the 100 level students freshers’ due, the last time we checked, we only have up to 100 students who have paid their dues from 200 level to 500 level, we have up to 500 students in all these levels. 

As for generating the funds, I will once again owe it to my executives, because we cannot bank on the dues paid by the students, we’ve been meeting sponsors to aid us with the funds needed for the developments going on. We want AAUA law to meet up with other schools’ standards.

Interviewer: Lastly, can you share a snippet on what to expect from the upcoming dinner? 

Adejute Oluwatominsin: I’m sorry I won’t be able to reveal what would go on in the upcoming dinner, because we want it to be a surprise. One thing I can say is that, we’ve been having law dinners, I have been able to attend three dinners myself. 

What I would like you to assure Lssites of is that, this particular dinner will be exceptional, marvelous, and wonderful. This will be a dinner that would be on people’s mouth 25 years later. 

I believe all can see the works being put into place, we’ve been instructed to have our dinner in a different place from Akure. The only venue option we have is the Midas Hotel in Owo, everyone knows how much Midas hotel costs, everyone knows how difficult it is to book a spot there. That is to tell you that this year’s dinner won’t be a joke. We will also be having a different concept this time, which would be release later this week. All I can say is, watch out Lssites!.

Interviewer: Thanks for joining us again, it’s been great catching up with you. 

Adejute Oluwatominsin: Thanks for having me, have a good day. 

LK…Making a statement.

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